Jeffersonville Time: ...

Dear Sheep Of God,

What greater thing could be, how much more a privileged people could we be, than to have in our presence the King of kings, Lord of lords?

Just think of it. The presence of the King of kings, Lord of lords is with us. He has revealed to us that WE HAVE ARRIVED. We’re here! The Revelation He has given to us comes from God. It’s the Truth. We are His chosen Sheep Bride.

We hear His love letters each week tell us: “My sweetheart Lambs, I have made My sheep-call. The goats don’t know It, but you have recognized It. You have stayed faithful, for My sheep know Me and a stranger they won’t follow. It has got to be My vindicated spiritual sign Voice ONLY.”

You’ve not flirted around or even looked at another; you have stayed true to My Voice. You are the Ones I have been waiting for. I know you’re made fun of and misunderstood, but I told you I would return for you if you STAY WITH MY WORD, and you have. NOW I’M COMING FOR YOU as I promised you I would. The Word you have been watering is coming to take you to Our New Home.

Others might not have the revelation that we have and say we are showing respect of persons; or worshiping the man and not our Lord. How blind they are. If that is truly so, then the Bride of Christ beyond the curtain of time were also wrong.

When the prophet saw the Bride come running to him and saying, “our precious brother”, they grabbed him and placed him upon a High Place. What...the BRIDE of Christ was showing respect of persons to the prophet by placing him on a High Place? Are you saying they should not have done that?

Then after that, all the Bride was standing there in their white robes and began screaming, “If you hadn’t gone forth with the Gospel, we wouldn’t be here.” If he hadn’t went forth they wouldn’t be there?

Then a Voice from above said we will be judged according to the WORD he preached to us, and then he will present us to Him.

The Voice didn’t say we’d be judged by what someone else said or what someone explained he said, but what he said. Then he will present us to Him.

May I take the liberty and speak on behalf of the portion of the Bride that has the same Revelation I have, and say how we feel. If we’re going to be JUDGED, and our ETERNAL DESTINATION depends on the Word God spoke through His prophet, then we’ve got to ONLY hear that Word from the Voice of God for our day. We cannot, and will not rest our Eternal destination on what someone else explains, or says, but what HE SAID. WE CAN ONLY HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD, and William Marrion Branham is the ONLY VOICE OF GOD...GOD SAID SO.

I offended you by saying that, forgive me, but, I felt that might been resented, but, I am God’s Voice to you.

So we’re happy and thankful to the Lord that we are just doing as the Bride was doing on the other side. All Glory, Honor and Praise goes to our ONE AND ONLY LORD JESUS CHRIST. As the prophet of Revelations 22:9 told us, worship God...WE DO and love Him so much.

The hour is late. Scriptures are being fulfilled faster than we can read all that is happening. He is coming for His Bride quickly. The world is uniting. The Bride is uniting. The stage is being set for the Rapture.

We praise the Lord for God-called men that preach the Word, but ministers, place that Voice that you and your people are going to be judged by first. Gather in your churches and hear the only vindicated Voice of God speak. Press Play.

We invite all that would come into the Ark and be saved with us as we unite and hear the Voice of God speak the Words we will be judged by, at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and hear The Sixth Seal 63-0323.

It is Sheep Food for God’s Sheep. Nothing added, nothing taken away and nothing explained, just pure unadulterated SHEEP FOOD.

Bro. Joseph Branham.




Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Exodus 10:21-23
Isaiah 13:6-11
Daniel 12:1-3
Matthew 24:1-30
Matthew 27:45
St. John 10:27
Revelation 6
Revelation 11:3-6